What’s Hot

  • The director Haifaa al-Mansour has done an incredible job. She has given adequate importance to the story and its theme thereby presenting us with a wonderful feel-good movie.
  • The story is fresh and unique, in the sense that a young girl yearns to be a biker with which she wants to race and win against a guy of her age, this for the fact that it is set in Saudi Arabia and completely shot inside of Saudi Arabia.
  • Waad Mohammed is a charm in the movie and her portrayal of Wadjda is vivid. Abdullrahman Algohani playing Abdullah has joined hands with Waad to picturise the dream childhood of people realistically. Reem Abdullah as her mother has emoted well.

What’s Not

  • Though majority of the movie is in a good feel, the sequences involving the father of Wadjda and his decisions could have been portrayed in a better way.



Verdict Stamp

For a normal story of childhood desire, Wadjda is brilliant and it strikes the right chords with what people’s ambitions are and how many sacrifices they are prepared to do to feed their ambitions. In doing so, the director has been satiating enough in the best possible way.