Margherita is an Italian director struggling to concentrate on her movie despite a distracting situation at home with an ailing mother. Her challenges reach new levels at work and home as the lead actor is too hot for her to handle amidst the deteriorating health of her mother and it starts affecting her composure. Does she have what it takes to handle the demands, is what the rest of the movie focusses on.
Running Time:
106 min
Release date:
16 April 2015
Directed by:
Nanni Moretti
Produced by:
Nanni Moretti
Domenico Procacci
Written by:
Gaia Manzini
Nanni Moretti
Valia Santella
Chiara Valerio
Margherita Buy
John Turturro
Nanni Moretti
Music by:
Shot by:
Arnaldo Catinari
Editing by:
Clelio Benevento
Distributed by:
01 Distribution
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