All of us have various brain functions that govern our response to various situations. The functions responsible for Happiness, Sadness, Fear, Anger and Disgust are characterized and the details of the activities they do to run the life of a young Girl Riley right from her birth is what drives the story. When a sudden change in the life or Riley upsets their rhythm, they try to control the situation too much, which creates more confusion for Riley. Their adventures in an attempt to restore normalcy is what forms the crux of this movie.
Running Time:
94 min
Release date:
26 June 2015
Directed by:
Pete Docter
Produced by:
Jonas Rivera
Written by:
Pete Docter
Josh Cooley
Pete Docter
Ronnie del Carmen
Amy Poehler
Phyllis Smith
Bill Hader
Lewis Black
Mindy Kaling
Richard Kind
Kaitlyn Dias
Music by:
Michael Giacchino
Editing by:
Kevin Nolting
Distributed by:
Walt Disney Pictures
Pixar Animation Studios

What’s Hot

  • The screenplay is too good to deplore. There is always the tone of melancholy with Riley’s present day life, but the monotony is averted with flashes of her memorable past. This helps keeps the optimism sustained to keep us believing something good is about to happen to Riley despite the numerous unfortunate turn of events.
  • The interactions between the various voices of the mind have been thought out superbly by the director and they just rock the floor with some hilarious dialogues as well. The short stint of scenes where the mind voices of Riley’s parents enter the fray, is nothing short of brilliance – Just what everyone experiences from within, has been brought out so accurately on screen!
  • Pixar can never disappoint anyone – right from the Toy Story days. The rush of emotion in animated characters – be it Adults, kids, pets, robots or toys, has never been captured in such captivating flair and it just gets better in this movie with life breathed into the voices within the minds of characters aided by some pretty cool animation.
  • The level of detailing provided is just several notches above compared to contemporaries. Each action that Riley performs is cleverly attributed to one of the many characteristics she possesses and each of them form a part of who she is – such an intricate depiction is backed by mind blowing visual presentations in vivid details.

What’s Not

  • If at all there was any blemish in this picture perfect movie, it would be the high dose of conceptual content in its attempt to capture how the mind works – something that would not engage the younger audience as much as it would like.



Verdict Stamp

Armed with a core consisting of unique characters from within the mind of an adolescent girl and powered by captivating visuals and details, ‘Inside-Out’ turns out to be an innovatively perceived story that shatters all myths of the dwindling Pixar magic and is destined to evoke pure All-out fun any which way you look at it!