A first-time space mission specialist Dr.Ryan Stone & a veteran astronaut Matt Kowalski are the sole survivors of the faulty Space shuttle Explorer. Their attempt to reach an International space station with which they could make their way back to planet earth takes a beating when debris floating off a Russian destruction mission put their lives in danger. At one point, Matt decides to let himself go so that at-least Ryan could possibly survive, he instructs her to reach a Chinese station 100 Km away and provides her the ‘means for survival’ leaving Ryan to ponder over the question on the ‘need for survival’!
Running Time:
90 mins
Release date:
4 October 2013
Directed by:
Alfonso Cuarón
Produced by:
Alfonso Cuarón
David Heyman
Written by:
Alfonso Cuarón
Jonás Cuarón
Sandra Bullock
George Clooney
Music by:
Steven Price
Shot by:
Emmanuel Lubezki
Editing by:
Alfonso Cuarón
Mark Sanger
Distributed by:
Warner Bros. Pictures
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