Pannaiyarum Padminiyum (Tamil, 2014)
A sentiment-based film from a debutant team having a car in its central plot that is heart-warming for most of its running time.
A sentiment-based film from a debutant team having a car in its central plot that is heart-warming for most of its running time.
With a good mix of comedy & emotions and performances of a lifetime from two of its lead actors, the film has everything in it to be an inspiring tale of how a man on his death bed fought against a wrong system.
The smartest super hero on the planet is back with a bang and is as invincible as ever in this slick, entertaining blockbuster!
This is one beautifully depicted illustration of the circle of a relationship and the emotional turmoil associated when the circle breaks down.
The Croods is a fabulous animated movie depicting the inquisitive nature of humans and how the wheel turned through the ages. It speaks of human belief and its power with class, as does the way we need to aspire to lead our lives.
This chronicle of the past events in a man's ordinary life is a dull and lifeless narration filled with numerous voids
Brad Pitt should be proud of producing this movie with Steve McQueen directing a real life story with such detail and grandeur. 12 years a slave showcases the brutal realities of the 18th century United States' slavery when racism was at its peak in addition to offering hope and commitment as valuable lessons of life.
Rummy is college love story set in the 1980s but fails to excite primarily due to the flat screenplay and lack of intelligence shown by the protagonists in the script.
Superior voice modulation, relatable characterization, neat departures from the usual story-line and sensational humor make ‘Frozen’, a strong comeback for Disney in the animation scene.
Despicable Me 2 is a thorough entertainer and offers many hilarious moments due to the adorable minions but the human characters which made the first installment a masterpiece, offer comparatively less.