All of us have various brain functions that govern our response to various situations. The functions responsible for Happiness, Sadness, Fear, Anger and Disgust are characterized and the details of the activities they do to run the life of a young Girl Riley right from her birth is what drives the story. When a sudden change in the life or Riley upsets their rhythm, they try to control the situation too much, which creates more confusion for Riley. Their adventures in an attempt to restore normalcy is what forms the crux of this movie.
Running Time:
94 min
Release date:
26 June 2015
Directed by:
Pete Docter
Produced by:
Jonas Rivera
Written by:
Pete Docter
Josh Cooley
Pete Docter
Ronnie del Carmen
Amy Poehler
Phyllis Smith
Bill Hader
Lewis Black
Mindy Kaling
Richard Kind
Kaitlyn Dias
Music by:
Michael Giacchino
Editing by:
Kevin Nolting
Distributed by:
Walt Disney Pictures
Pixar Animation Studios
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