What’s Hot

  • Frye & Futterman have wonderfully adapted the disastrous du Pont influence in US Wrestling adding to it a touch of class & drama. Initially the viewer is unaware of where the film heads & later, a few cold twists add to the intensity.
  • Bennett Miller’s prowess in handling scripts related to sports gets another fine sample in Foxcatcher (after his earlier Moneyball). The sport of Wrestling is depicted only for the layman to understand and doesn’t get technical. When things focus on the psychological side of it, the film’s intensity level gets elevated.
  • Steve Carell’s performance as John du Pont is unbelievably good. His makeovers for the role, the accent, his body/facial language are stunning and makes him a solid contender for the Academy award. Channing Tatum seems to have lived his role as Mark (the isolated scene at his hotel room tops!) & comes up with his most prolific showing yet and Ruffalo, as the restrained Dave, is brilliant as well.
  • Sets & Costumes are realistic offering a good level of detailing. The editing of Cassidy & Co is merit worthy for the seamless transition between and within training, matches & conversations.
  • Rob Simonsen’s music is inspiring, with the piano notes pleasing with its unpredictability. Fraser’s cinematography comes to the director’s aid in showing the training & match sequences with clarity.

What’s Not

  • The movie might be based on Wrestling but it has quite a dark, cold side to it as it ponders over the psyche of two men. That might disappoint the sport-movie freaks out there.



Verdict Stamp

Foxcatcher is a welcome addition to the Sports Brothers drama tales from Hollywood & in exploring the inner-wrestling of the mind, it adds another catchy dimension. Add to that splendid showings from the lead cast, you get a film that arrests you.