What’s Hot

  • Chris Pratt‘s virile charisma and Jennifer Lawrence’s goofiness are the selling points of the movie. Pratt and Lawrence exhibit remarkable chemistry and they end up providing believable and memorable performances.
  • The plot is simple and easy-to-understand when the sci-fi movies tend to gravitate towards adding scientific details and making the movie look increasingly complex. It’s plainly about a man and a woman bound by primal emotions of vulnerability and hope.
  • Thomas Newman has done a splendid job with the score for the film. The soundtrack is astonishing and augurs well with the whole setup of the movie.

What’s Not

  • Once the storyline is set in the first half an hour, the story, just like its characters, gets stuck and stalls haplessly. It wanders around for a while and looks to draw heavily on willful suspension of belief by the audience and ends up providing plenty of ‘yawn-worthy’ moments.




Verdict Stamp

Passengers is a great-looking film with an authentic idea, starts well, has amazing performances and visual effects but leads to a stereotyped ending. It may not be the best sci-fi flick of the year and perhaps not earth shatteringly brilliant, but worth getting some popcorn and relaxing down for a couple of hours.