This year kicked off with low key releases until the festivities began with four movies squaring off on Pongal Day aimed at catering to different audience. With Gethu and Rajini Murugan falling prey to cliches, Kathakali edged ahead for its absorbing content but the darker Thara Thappattai from Bala remained etched in memory for the terrific acting and enchanting music from the Maestro Ilaiyaraaja. When the wave subsided, comedy-horror-glamour was back with Aranmanai-2, but the boxing drama Irudhi Suttru starring a beefed up Maddy stole the limelight for its honest attempt. The best phase was seen around the release of the much anticipated Visaaranai which was hard hitting and liked by hard code cinephiles. Jil Jung Juk started another wave of ambitious movies including the first zombie flick in Tamil – Miruthan which missed out to Pichaikkaran, Sethupathi and Kadhalum Kadandhu Pogum that made to our list of best flicks this quarter.
128 min
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Tharai Thappattai
Tharai Thappattai scores over competition for the characterizations of the lead and supporting cast. Varalakshmi undoubtedly steals the show with an uninhibited performance that reeks of vigor infused by Ilaiyaraja's commanding score and high voltage songs. Equipped with more than enough substance to be a sort of a tribute to the 'Karagattam' dance form, this movie comfortably overcomes the impending violence and literally blazed its way to our picks of this quarter.
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Irudhi Suttru
Irudhi Suttru, in simple terms, is a template sports drama where the underdog rises above all obstacles. But where it differs is in the handling of human relations that are very touch to accurately & relaistically portray on screen - coach-protege, mother-daughter, sibling rivalry and much more! Aided by Santhosh Narayan fabulous score, Arun Matheshwaran's stirring dialogues & stunning performances by the lead actors, Irudhi Suttru handsomely enters our picks of this quarter.
Full Review112 min
118 min
Full Review
In one word, it can be termed a 'Gem'. The film presents a pressing case of how men who don't have the ultimate power are all mere players in the game designed by an opportune few at the upper echelons of the systems that govern us. To top this, there are a lot of symbolic touches that add to the viewing experience. Visaaranai takes away the hope that your life is always in your control & gives the hope that there still are film-makers who can genuinely make you think a lot about films & how you actually are part of the stories some of them make.
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Sethupathi is a mixed bag of commercial elements on a time tested good-wins-over-evil formula. This action-comedy finds a place in our list due to a different treatment of the characters. The good cop has shades of grey and the bad-ass villain is a god-fearing family man. The comic instances keep the mood light and the action sequences are equally intense. With a screenplay challenging the brain cells of the viewers, this movie glides into our top picks for this quarter.
Full Review121 min
130 min
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Sasi's comeback venture scores and makes it to our list for how genuine the treatment of the core story is, as a tribute. Vijay Antony's reputation as a producer of quality commercial films grows with this one & he has also come of age as an actor. Satna Titus makes an impressive debut & the comedy is refreshing. The overwhelming moments in the film make it work despite distractions in the form of a number of villains who come and go to make the case valid for the hero's crusader credentials.
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Kadhalum Kadandhu Pogum
Nalan Kumarasamy has taken a long time to come up with his second venture following the cult hit Soodhu Kavvum; KaKaKaPo doesn't explain the time taken, for, it is a simple film in terms of making (and is a remake) but the way it effortlessly takes you through two its two primary characters (who are,sort of, unremarkable in the cinematic sense) and ends at a very appropriate moment makes it tick the right boxes. The film's infectious charm and quirky moments of fun make it immensely likeable even as a part of us wonders 'what is special about this film?'
Full Review137 min
With summer upon us and a frenzy of high profile movies lined up, the next quarter promises a lip-smacking feast for sure!
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