What’s Hot

  • The humongous effort of the team in bringing the ‘lego-blocks’ alive is commendable. To be able to cry, laugh, love, fear and feel pain appears simple as a concept. Yet it gives it a great edge when combined with the one faced Lego characters.
  • There is nothing extra in the movie. The characters with their quirkiness, the comic one liners and the heroic stunts; everything is measured to the right amount and delivered. The stupidity of Emmett, arrogance of Lucy, dumbness of Vitrivius and negativity of Business bring a justifiable balance to the movie.
  • The soundtrack by Mark Mothersbaugh is a definite plus with “Everything is Awesome” as a sadistic mind controlling clincher conveying the monotony of the song clearly into the minds of viewers.

What’s Not

  • The climax though taking its natural course appears to be artificial and imposed causing the traction created throughout the movie to fizzle out instantaneously.
  • The slight suggestion of sequel at the end is bound to create an irritable feeling with folks who would have just liked to watch the movie with no strings attached.



Verdict Stamp

An ambitious effort at personifying the Lego world with all humane emotions, which succeeds largely despite falling short on a few occasions.