What’s Hot

  • The story has to be applauded for the fact that there are ample gripping sequences where the audience are left intrigued about the story and what comes next.
  • Due to the characterization of the protagonist, there is an adequate amount of the movie which is spent in parties. We see an extravagant display of Art Direction and Costume Design at its best, with the female lead looking stunning with her costumes, not to forget that of the protagonist.
  • The lead actors and the supporting actors have delivered crisp performance of their roles, with Tobey Maguire essaying a narrator. The antagonist and his role is also noteworthy.
  • The director has done a good job staying true to the storyline and getting the most out of the actors and the other supporting cast.

What’s Not

  • The screenplay of the movie could have been done better. There are points in the movie where the real identity of Jay Gatsby is very puzzling.



Verdict Stamp

For the story and its cast, this movie could have been made in a better way with some better screenplay and cinematography. Although the lead actors have delivered a sterling performance and the story has enough to offer in terms of intriguing sequences, it just does not create the needed impact in the minds of the viewers.