What’s Hot

  • Ron Howard is one film-maker who can take Game theory to the common man & Boxing to the hearts of the soft-hearted! Here, he takes Formula 1, the heat/tension & risks surrounding racers’ lives to even the one who is not even remotely inclined to the sport.
  • The screenplay is so intelligently planned that it gives a layer on what experiences a typical F1 racer goes through underneath the exterior layer that provides a record of how Lauda & Hunt set the tracks and their egos ablaze.
  • Hans Zimmer’s grand background score uplifts the action on screen & provides the complete AV experience.
  • In bringing the cars and tracks of the 70s, the Art & VFX team deserve special mentions.
  • It is Daniel Brühl who comes up with the best performance. His Austrian-scented English accent, mannerisms etc. show the dedicated effort he has taken while Chris Hemsworth effortlessly showcases James Hunt. Olivia Wilde, with some nice expressions in emotional sequences after marriage & Lauda’s accident, scores.
  • The climax at the airport hangar expresses classily how perspectives & the impact of them on priorities can alter champions’ careers!

What’s Not

  • Ironically, the film ends with the 1975 season and doesn’t go beyond to show the brilliant comeback triumphs of Lauda after his spectacular life-threatening Neurburgring accident in the season of ’75. We would have loved to see more, Ron!



Verdict Stamp

If you don't get pumped up watching this one, Consult a doc on the way back home!