What’s Hot

  • Oscar Isaac who plays the titular role of Llewyn Davis is a natural and his ease while strumming the guitar and performing folk songs is a pleasure to watch (and hear). His expressions, during the misadventures with the Gorfeins’ cat, and while dealing with the disappointment of being unable to make it back to the merchant marines, are unmatchable.
  • Carey Mulligan as Jean who is constantly at the back of Llewyn is a delight to watch. Her modulation while disapproving of Llewyn’s way of life is fabulous and hits the bull’s eye. The rest of the supporting cast, Justin Timberlake playing Jean’s boyfriend, the Gorfeins family and of course John Goodman who plays the repulsive & pessimistic Jazz musician. The Coen brothers’ skill in sculpting such varied characters is magical.
  • A movie that focusses on the life of folk singer is hugely dependent on having well-written, and well-performed songs. We get precisely that in this film with every song being so addictive and pleasant to watch/hear on screen. Hats off to the sound-design department of this film for giving us such enjoyable sound.
  • Ever since they made their debut through Blood Simple, one thing that we can rest assured with a film from the Coen brothers is the cinematography. They have collaborated with French cinematographer, Bruno Delbonnel this time around and their choice of lighting + camera angles for this film is exemplary. Certain shots with the ginger cat and during Llewyn’s performances inside the café are mind-blowing.
  • One would generally associate the Coen brothers with films having crime as the central theme. However, this time around they have sprung a surprise by narrating the tale of a struggling singer which tugs at your heart. As always their writing is original and numerous sequences in this film bear their midas touch.

What’s Not

  • Since the story just deals with just a week in the life of the struggling Llewyn Davis, the ending seems sudden and make the audience crave for more.



Verdict Stamp

A peek in to the life of a struggling folk singer, interspersed by some charming, heart-tugging sequences and fascinating music. The underdog protagonist makes it a compulsive watch!