What’s Hot

  • Josh Brolin is majestic as the Studio man, Eddie Mannix. The way he goes about taking things on the run without giving much fuss makes it lovely to travel with him through the film. George Clooney plays a loveable leading man and him trying to talk about his new found knowledge of to an irritated Mannix is guaranteed to bring out a chuckle.If not his performance at least Mannix’s point-blank response is one to savor mainly due to Clooney’s expression.
  • Casting Alden Ehrenreich as the polite Western star who is unable to act in serious roles is a masterstroke. He has great chemistry with everyone and nails each moment of his screen time. Ralph Fiennes and the Tilda Swintons are good too in comparatively minimal roles.
  • The costumes and the art work for the film depicting the 1950s Hollywood Studio era is exquisite. The “No Dames” song and dance routine led by Channing Tatum has impeccable choreography, and apt lyrics. It is a pity that that track does not get much run time.
  • Roger Deakins‘ cinematography is a shining light in the film, specifically Scarlett Johannson‘s glorious mermaid sequence. The master camerman’s camera angles and lighting for the bygone era is wonderful.

What’s Not

  • The film’s final few minutes mildly succeed in linking the seemingly independent stories of Ralph Fiennes, George Clooney, Tilda Swinton and Channing Tatum yet it still feels too long. Most scenes involving Baird Whitlock and the communists who kidnap him are overly dialogue-heavy without being smart or witty. It is a fact that many actors seem underused. But it is impossible to give everyone equal screen space in a such a huge multi-starrer with the multiple parallel tracks.
  • The film is mostly made for an American audience and it is tough to comprehend few situations and dialogues. Similarly, the film might not appeal to people who haven’t had a taste of the show business or aren’t enamored of it.


Art Direction


Verdict Stamp

Hail, Caesar! is a technically rich film that is only sporadically funny. It sadly falls into the bracket of ‘all style and no substance’ in spite of the excellent cast and performances.