What’s Hot

  • Casey Affleck and Rooney Mara have acted their roles very well. Special mention has to go to Ben Foster for his portrayal of a caring as well as a daring cop.
  • The dialogues and the heavily Texas-accented style of dialogue delivery are a plus to the movie and the cast have sweated it out to perfect the accent.
  • The camera work has added to the otherwise dull and slow movie. Low light scenes and action sequences have come to life thanks to the camera work.
  • The director takes due credit for explaining the brutal realities of people making their lives within the lives of outlaws.

What’s Not

  • The screenplay of the movie is one which is just about okay largely since onus has been given to the fleeing of the protagonist from the police and how his family makes a living in his absence. Due to the story’s lack of pace, it takes a toll on the screenplay.



Verdict Stamp

Watch this movie for the realities of a yearning outlaw to be with his family at any cost. But don't get immersed into the slow paced screenplay that it has got to offer.