What’s Hot

  • The voice-over in the intro credits sequence and at a few other points in the movie, is purposeful. The dialogues which point to the hopes and aspirations of the Lankan Tamils, just like any other normal human being, are on the mark and sum up the movie’s intentions.
  • The protagonist, Ajay, has the physique for the role and is capable of emoting as well. The chirpy Jennifer looks pretty and performs adequately.
  • As the second half plays on, we are able to invest in the other characters as well, and this is a credit to the director. All the actors have performed well and they must have gone through a lot of physical stress for the second half.
  • V.K.Ramraj has helmed the camera and the effort during the second half in capturing all the action in a boat in the middle of the ocean, is appreciable. The crew has proudly proclaimed that this is the first Indian movie with such extensive scenes shot in the water.
  • The film is not meant for normal entertainment as such, but it is ultimately the effort put in by the crew and the director’s motive which deserve a round of applause.
  • The director has never deviated from his script and lack of any commercial elements in the film stand testimony to this.

What’s Not

  • The scenes of pain and struggle in the second half are unsettling and might make the audience squirm in their seats.
  • The music is plain and the visual effects are also in line with the team’s meager means.
  • The Sri Lankan Tamil accent of most of the characters sounds a bit artificial and is not consistent. More work could have been done on this important aspect to increase the authenticity and nativity factors.



Verdict Stamp

A sincere attempt to throw light on a pertinent issue, at a time when full-blown entertainment seems to be the only ruling mantra.