What’s Hot

  • Hemant Gaba deserves every bit of praise & recognition coming his way through this film. While it may be called a clichéd story, normal day-to-day life is all about clichés and when one handles them as well as Hemant has done in this flick, it creates an astonishing effect on the audience who can easily relate to it. The climax is also very well thought-of and written well.
  • While the film gives equal space for all the 4 friends, Alok Kumar as Pankaj who has Chartered Accountancy forced on him by his dad shines bright. The scene where he realizes the need to start the venture and the one when he confronts his dad are enacted extremely well sans melodrama.
  • Equally good is the Credit card salesman Gaurav played brilliantly by Vijay Prateek. He is the key to the entrepreneurial dream of the group. His character is filled with emotions which he portrays effectively. Scenes to note are the one when he confronts his friend, Loveleen, and the one where he reacts to betrayal.
  • Loveleen played by Manish Nawani is the street-smart of the lot & Manav, played by Aakar Kaushik is the cook around whom the catering service is built. Both perform adequately with Aakar stealing the show on many occasions with his comic dialogue delivery.
  • This film with unknown actors works mainly due to Avinash Baghel’s fascinating score/songs running in the background, as the 4 friends struggle in their entrepreneurship journey handling multiple obstacles.

What’s Not

  • Few editing jumps in the film during conversations & few shots wherein grains are visible in the background are the only blotches which reveal that this is an Indie production. But the standard of the other elements in the film illustrate that they are just due to lack of budget and not due to lack of skill.


Screened at


Connecting India’s Independent Artists to Worldwide Media: Creating a platform for the rich diversity of India’s traditional and contemporary music and film, IndiEarth is the only specifically designed meeting hub for India’s independent Artists and worldwide Media.

Event Info

Date of Screening : 15-Oct-2014
Venue and Time : Hotel Hablis, The Moon and Sixpence , 7.30 PM


Verdict Stamp

‘Shuttlecock Boys’ reflects the true entrepreneurial spirit that modern India is waking up to. It is a delightful Indie flick that takes us on a ride of friendship, betrayal, disappointment, and ultimately success.