What’s Hot

  • The premise is something new for Indian films.
  • Manish Paul looks like another version of Virat Kohli and he puts in an energetic show. His styling is in line with the metro-sexual Indian male and he might earn himself a sizeable female fan following. Watch out for him.
  • The second half really picks up steam as the suspense element creeps in and it takes quite a while for the bad guys to be presented on screen. These segments, including a thrilling chase, are the best moments of the film and make it engaging.
  • Elli Avram looks wild, exotic and doesn’t shy away from glamour. Her role is pivotal anyway. Varun Badola also delivers a good performance.
  • Towards the end, when the knots are untied and the suspense unfolds, you really need to pay attention else there will be plenty of unanswered questions bothering you. This in itself is a credit to the director’s effort.

What’s Not

  • The hacking scenes early on in the movie, are too flashy and exaggerated. You might find yourself disconnected during these scenes.
  • The soundtrack isn’t very strong and the BGM score isn’t special either.
  • Varun Badola’s accent is too localized and the speed of his diction makes it difficult to fathom his dialogues.



Verdict Stamp

Springs a surprise thanks to the suspense element and the speedy second half.