Chotu – a smart child from an impoverished family is sent to work in a roadside Dhaba of Bhati in the outskirts of Bikaner, by his mother so that he can earn for the family. Chotu is not the ordinary kid who is held by his difficult economical situation, but a hard and smart fighter with a natural inclination for academics and street smartness. Inspired by the extraordinary life of President Kalam, Chotu decides that he will study hard and become someone significant like him. How he wins over the many people he meets during his stay at the Dhaba and how that changes his life forms the rest of the story.
Running Time:
88 min
Release date:
5 August 2011
Directed by:
Nila Madhab Panda
Produced by:
Santanu Mishra
Jitendra Mishra
Written by:
Sanjay Chauhan
Harsh Mayar
Gulshan Grover
Pitobash Tripathy
Beatrice Ordeix
Hussan Saad
Meena Mir
Suresh Acharya
Music by:
Abhishek Ray
Susmit Bose
Shivji Dholi
Shot by:
Mohana Krishna
Editing by:
Prashant Nayak
Distributed by:
Smile Foundation
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