The son of a cotton farmer faces the wrath of life when situation forces the farmer to sell off his property and ultimately ceasing his heart. Forced to make a living for a large family, he is forced into child labour much to the disagreement of his mother. There, the boy notices something. Something that is about to grasp his imagination. What he does to achieve what he sees and imagines forms the plot of this movie.
Running Time:
120 min
Release date:
9 May 2014
Directed by:
Amole Gupte
Produced by:
Amole Gupte
Written by:
Amole Gupte
Partho Gupte
Saqib Saleem
Pragya Yadav
Makarand Deshpande
Devraya Gole
Music by:
Amole Gupte
Hitesh Sonik
Shot by:
Amol Gole
Vikas Sivaraman
Editing by:
Deepa Bhatia
Distributed by:
Fox Star Studios
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