Creepy (Japanese, 2016)
An engaging suspense thriller, with its typical twists and turns, embellished by strong performances and supported by brilliant camerawork. Creepy will definitely give you the creeps.
An engaging suspense thriller, with its typical twists and turns, embellished by strong performances and supported by brilliant camerawork. Creepy will definitely give you the creeps.
‘Trumbo’ is a fascinating insight into how the cold war affected Hollywood from the perspective of celebrated writer, Dalton Trumbo. Watch it for the exemplary casting & the extraordinary performance of Bryan Cranston!
Very few cop movies diverge from the action genre and show the will to succeed. Action Hero Biju - is one such addition to the league and a fitting tribute to all the policemen who choose to rise above the uniform & perks, to serve the people.
Vil Ambu stays true to its name by focusing on two men who cross each other inadvertently as the movie manages to keep us enthralled and entertained for the entire duration and stays on course to precisely hit the target!
‘Jil Jung Juck’ attempts to offer a racy ride fueled by drugs, gangsters and some stellar technical work on a low-budget. However, apart from the quirks & some well-placed adult comedy, the film fails to make a sustained impact tiring us as the credits roll.
Visaaranai gives hope – The hope that there still are film-makers who can genuinely make you think a lot about films & how you actually are part of the stories some of them make.
Bangalore Naatkal turns out to be a refreshing outing not just for its ensemble casting of some promising and prolific faces but also for the way the cousins troika is used to champion the level-headedness & maturity that the '20-somethings' display today.
A narrative so subtle & honest from beginning to end, taking you through the life of Eilis - 'Brooklyn' happens to be a rarity as it deals with a over-tried concept of love and ordinary characters, leaving us with a satisfaction and secretive happiness that is hard to forget or forgo.
A childhood fantasy, with the essence of life and the struggle to happiness, explained in simple terms is how each child of yesteryear and today remembers the story of "Cinderella". A wonderful execution of the fairy tale with apt casting and extravagant costumes- Cinderella is a dream come true for each and every maiden.
If Cast Away was a thrilling adventure of a flight-wrecked lone survivor on an island, The Martian has pushed the boundary of film-making by several notches with the spirit, creativity and cleverness of the protagonist in the movie being made in believably “down to mars” manner. A beautiful painting on a red canvas!