What’s Hot

  • Vijay Antony is a perfect fit for the character of a lonely and socially responsible youngster living his own little life. He is able to emotionally express his loneliness and has really improved leaps and bounds as an actor with some crisp and gritty dialogues to help the cause.
  • The characterization and casting of Aksha as the typical city bred girl, the law offenders with a political background, the money-minded doctors and the honest yet helpless police officers are all of elite quality which ensure a collectively impressive performance on screen.
  • The background score from Vijay Antony is so potent that is creates a mesmerizing effect on the audience and we keep humming the tunes that linger around for a while. The three songs are ever so stamped with the composer’s signature style that’s guaranteed to make you groove.
  • The visuals featured in the duet song are a delight to watch and the camera work from M C Ganesh Chandra is commendable in the taekwondo stunt sequences and the night shots marking the beginning and the end of the movie
  • N V Nirmal Kumar’s story and screenplay is worth a mention for having kept the suspense of the second half under wraps for the major part of the movie without letting the audience off the hook in this healthy 150 odd minutes of storytelling. The interval block marking a transformation in the protagonist’s character is well followed up, especially because it doesn’t tread the beaten paths of insipid flashbacks, vigilante formulas or social revolutions.

What’s Not

  • Now that Vijay has shown immense potential in emotional scenes, he can work a bit more on his facial expressions which can lend more flair to his other dimensions. He still looks placid when he needs to express anguish and disappointment; instead more emphasis is on the dialogues.
  • The portrayal of senior law and order officials being ill treated and disrespected by politicians is an eyesore. Though it might be the reality, they lose credibility when they do absolutely nothing to upkeep the honor of the office they hold.



Verdict Stamp

Salim is one among us; a model citizen who wants to show the world that there is nothing one shouldn’t do to remain true to one’s nature. For that he undergoes a makeover which makes for a truly gripping and engaging experience bundled with loads of classy and sizzling moments!