What’s Hot

  • The story is told in a very gripping fashion and manages to put the audience in the edge of their seats all through the running time of the movie. Sudip Sharma has managed to blend the story of the urbane in a rural milieu and do enough justice to it. Watch out for the climax as this is something Hindi cinema is getting used to off-late.
  • Anushka Sharma has managed to get the lion’s share of the meat in the acting department and she manages to grab the opportunity with both her hands. Other notable mentions include Darshan Kumaar playing the baddie and boy he does that with vigour! He and his associates along with Deepti Naval playing his mom have added swagger for villainy.
  • Navdeep Singh handles the direction with devotion and ease. It is the element of surprise that will decide the fate of a thriller and NH10 has managed to get all the right things in place for going on to become a box office success.
  • Arvind Kannabiran has captured the essence of the movie not only showing the beauty of the city scape, but also of the splendour of the villages. But special mention goes to his lens work of showing the brutalities of the assaulters. He has not only portrayed the onslaught, but also the emotions running high through the characters.
  • Last but not least, the dialogues stand out for the way a rural setting would be and have captured the essence of both the rural and the urbane alike.

What’s Not

  • Even though the story is gripping, there are some filmy routes the screenplay takes in order to justify the continuation of the story being told. Though this does not let the film completely down, it does manage to put some questions to the audience.



Verdict Stamp

How many of us care about societal problems sticking our heads out and braving to stand up? In case we happened to do so, are we ready to face the consequences even if they are dire. NH10 has answered that in a thumping way.