What’s Hot

  • The story tracks the lives of its two central characters Arul and Karthik, who have never met but yet are influencing each other’s fate due to being at the wrong places at the wrong times. The director has treated the subject extremely well without resorting to flashbacks or back stories to provide twists, but thrills us nevertheless using the screenplay by placing the life changing encounters involving the characters at opportune moments.
  • Harish Kalyan is a revelation and has gone several notches up from his previous outing in Poriyalan which got him noticed. He is able to pull off a smart and savvy Arul with equal ease as compared to the rugged version in the second half. Sri as Karthik is another attraction for his expressive portrayal of an impulsive youth and mellows down quite convincingly at the stroke of love.
  • The dialogues were quite funny and largely enhance the effect of the hilarious portions featuring Yogi Babu, who is fast rising to the top of the line with his retorts that simply sent the audience into a frenzy in every frame he was present. The exchanges between Sri and Yogi Babu are not to be missed!
  • Navin makes his presence felt with wide variety of songs made quite popular for each of them involves three top composers providing their vocals. While Anirudh’s rendition of the peppy romantic song with a folk theme, it the pick of the lot, the background score and sound effects in the comedy sequences are also delightful.

What’s Not

  • The three leading ladies featured in the movie do not make any impact. Despite having meaningful roles, their characterization is found lacking for their juvenile perceptions that form the basis for their romance. All three of them are guilty of overdoing their parts as well when compared to their male counterparts.
  • A couple of places when the characters deliver punchlines that generalize perceptions of friendship, politics etc could have been avoided as they stick out without fitting into how the rest of the movie is made.




Verdict Stamp

Vil Ambu stays true to its name by focusing on two men who cross each other inadvertently as the movie manages to keep us enthralled and entertained for the entire duration and stays on course to precisely hit the target!