What’s Hot

  • The director of the movie Vadivel who reprises the same role in the Meta movie, has done a remarkable job writing it as it takes a neat approach in driving the story from start to end seamlessly with not much of clutter and not including a female lead just for the sake of it. The level of confidence is evident when he doesn’t let the screenplay follow any of the exposed paths and keeps the audience guessing – a fine example would be the ‘pen drive’ episode which is dealt differently than most would have thought. The movie he strives to make is equally good for its take on a dying form of rural art.
  • ‘K’ has scored the music for the movie and has proven his mettle once more with a typically Mysskin-ish style spanning joy, softness in the three songs featured in the Meta movie. The ‘Vellaikaara Rani’ item number exudes energy with Mysskin writing and lending his voice as well. The best is reserved for the song pictured on the ‘Koothu’ art which is distinctly authentic. His pulsating background scores aptly suit the ‘heist’ backdrop and helps to extend the intrigue which the story builds.
  • Naren makes yet another noteworthy appearance as a filthy rich and selfish producer. Lakshmi Priyaa Chandramouli puts up a good show as his devilish mistress who is always plotting revenge against him. Her arrogant attitude seems to flow naturally and her character makes a striking impact much due to her posh costumes and make-up that outline her feminine traits with decent conviction.
  • Sreerama Santhosh’s cinematography puts unconventional frames to great effect. Shadows and reflections are given equal importance as their originals to provide unique viewing angles and different perspectives. The songs shots in low light have an edge of mastery over the skills he posseses.

What’s Not

  • Though casting the real life Director, Editor, Cinematographer and Music director in the meta movie to reprise their roles is a brave choice, it has not done the film any favours with at least a couple of them spoiling the intensity in various scenes. Seasoned actors are grossly missed at such instances which could have saved the face.
  • The choice of actors apart, a few of the characters have been so poorly created that they give an air of amateurism. Lakshmi’s lover boy who doubles up as her partner in crime is one such example of a half cooked character who is supposed to be the support required for the twist in the tale, but badly disappoints.
  • Though the stress laid on good values and being a Good Samaritan can be acknowledged and appreciated, the actions and dialogues of the protagonist is too preachy – like when he goes out of the line to dump all his monetary profits at the hands of a stranger who he believes will put it to good use. This is too surreal given that he behaves just like ordinary man all through the film and it’s no such deed an ordinary man would do.



Verdict Stamp

Kallappadam is that perfect marriage between good intent and equally good execution that makes up for the blemishes from the actors to produce a quality output. Disposing off unwanted commercial distractions such as romance, improves the overall movie watching experience to present us a totally competent film that deserves recognition and guarantees an unregretful watch!