Wild (English, 2014)
Though the 1000 mile trek of Cheryl Strayed is a tremendous feat, the big screen adaptation of her journey engages you only to a certain extent - thanks largely to the performances of Reese Witherspoon & Laura Dern.
Selma (English, 2014)
More of exceptional resolve, less of violent protests– ‘Selma’ has that perfect balance required to keep the movie interesting for a longer part of its duration, despite some occasional wobbles. A real sense of oppression is allowed to seep in thanks to the precise pace set for the proceedings – One’s got to see it to feel it!
Beyond the Lights (English, 2014)
Beyond the Lights does offer us that rare peek through the life of a young music sensation and re-iterates that the path to stardom is not full of roses and comes with a lot of emotional baggage. While it has its share of shortcomings to bring out a happy ending, the movie stands strong on the back of exceptional performance on screen and behind it as well!
Big Hero 6 (English, 2014)
To claim that Disney has unleashed their best ever animated movie yet, will not be an exaggeration! Each minute detail captured in this showdown of the techno-geeky resolute heroes and the villain hell bent on revenge stands testimony to this. Loop up to this ‘Big Hero’ and you are in for a feisty experience with a fair share of emotional bonding and touching scenes, a crowd favourite - in short!
Guardians of the Galaxy (English, 2014)
Though we have seen in-numerous space adventures by now, this is one space adventure that can be watched for the goofy humor and the coolness quotient of the superheroes, who certainly are different from their typical prototypes.