What’s Hot

  • Vivek has always shown promise as an actor who can play a serious character on screen. With his portrayal of Bala, the protagonist, he does justice to his Padmashri recognition by producing a heart melting performance as an honest, upright Hindu priest while reciting sanskrit hymns with perfect vedic diction. VenkatRaj makes a good impression enacting the two faces of Poochi – that of a funny/soft hearted friend of Vivek and that of a cold blooded assassin. Cell Murugan combines well with VenkatRaj and Vivek to evoke laughter while Swetha shows enough promise in her role of a love smitten young girl.
  • The music and background score from Venkat Krishi, complement the setup of Vivek’s character as a preachy Hindu priest and the unhurried pace of the story as well. The song that marks the romance between Vivek and Swetha and the song enumerating the delicacies of a Hindu wedding feast are pleasing to the ears.

What’s Not

  • The story is aimed at preaching the benefits of living virtuously as against that of living for greed and haste. Moviegoers nowadays are looking for either an experience out of this world or a deep dive into reality. Director R.Kannan fails miserably to connect the dots as this movie doesn’t seem to even bother the audience, leave alone engaging them.
  • The casting and characterizations are debatable with Mayilsamy chosen to amuse and Kai Thennavan to terrorize the audience, but both are heavily underutilized considering their capabilities. The choice of actors for Swetha’s family is plain bad as they can neither emote nor deliver dialogues with command.
  • Vivek’s characterization is way too serious and he ends up being in tears or begging for mercy or sympathy in most of the scenes. Sympathy sowing the seeds for romance is an age old trend which is exploited in this movie which immediately brews romance between the lead pair and makes the audience to sigh in disbelief.



Verdict Stamp

Cinema that preaches is a trend of the past and this movie doesn't engage the audience enough to be able to overcome these odds and ends up to be a plain boring affair.