What’s Hot

  • The visuals from Vishnu Sharma are delightful and captivate the audience to keep them in some kind of a spell. The attempts to show Isha Talwar as that eternal beauty have worked very well with pleasant tones used all over the movie. Even in low light/night, the shots are filmed to perfection to achieve the desired effect.
  • While G V Prakash’s opening song is quite enjoyable along with Velmurugan’s vocals, its Shaan Rahman’s background score that keeps the intensity building throughout the movie to carry the romantic mood even when songs are regrettably placed.
  • Isha Talwar as the damsel in love is quite the eye-candy that the role demands and along with the support cast headed by Manoj K Jayan, they have done more than a decent job to make the movie watchable.

What’s Not

  • Such a leisurely paced romantic story where the lead characters rarely meet and converse mostly through written communication, the dialogues which form a pivotal role to engage the audience. It remained ordinary to poor in many places of this movie, including the all-important climax especially when the characters try to break cultural and caste barriers.
  • Mithran Jawahar fails miserably with his characterizations that lack depth or even credibility for that matter. A protagonist who is an activist is not shown participating in activism, the girl’s uncle who is a political and religious powerhouse is not shown exercising his powers are just to name a few.
  • Newcomer Walter Phillips as the protagonist gets the raw end of the deal as he is unable to shoulder the huge responsibility unloaded on him. While his performance is quite good in isolation, it is grossly inadequate to do justice to his character that needed more flair.
  • The director’s dilemma in deciding to make the movie emotional or playful makes him get caught somewhere in limbo as the output is neither, with the movie not making the impact it should have. His choice of having distracting songs interlace the screenplay at crucial moments is indicative of that.




Verdict Stamp

‘Meednum oru Kaadhal Kadhai’, as the title literally suggest is nothing but another love story which suffers the wrath of unimaginative treatment to the plot, making it a borderline movie that lacks the vitality to provide a poignant experience for the audience.